Friday, January 13, 2006

A working mom can volunteer

As a freelance writer and mom working from home, I have the freedom to come and go pretty much as I please. I enjoy volunteering at my daughters' schools and do so on a weekly basis. It's scheduled in just like my interviews, due dates, and deadlines.

The better portion of the last couple of days has been spent not on working on a big story but on something that might be an even bigger undertaking — volunteering at my daughters' schools. I haven't gotten much work done these past two days but I have worked up a pretty big headache from all the childish clamoring!

My weekly school activities consist pretty much of reading to the kids and eating lunch with them. At my younger daughter's head start, the reading is mainly to keep the volume at a low roar during transitional activities like going from lunchtime to naptime or from naptime to the bus for home.

In my first grader's class, two children at a time come and read to me, or try to read to me as the case may be. A few weeks ago I got a little aggravated at the struggling — they're only six and seven but my daughter whizzes through books like a grown person and I guess I'm used to that — so I decided I'd read to them. Whew, much better! We read Leo Leonni's captivating stories for a few weeks, and that was a real treat.

Lunchtime follows the reading and I now have a waiting list a month long for who I will be sitting by during the noon meal. It's nice to be so popular! Now I need to get to work so I can also be popular with my editors.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I definitely do agree with you. Volunteer can be easily incorporated into your schedule.